As a sassy five year old, I remember my determination in putting red beads together, one-by-one, on a long, thin thread, for a very well thought out gift for my mother. It had been a few months since she had been away on an extended trip abroad and I missed her terribly. At the time, I was upset she hadn’t taken me with her. In reality, she was traveling to the United States for the first time, to visit her sister, which she hadn’t seen in … [Read more...]
The Lost City Trailer
Interestingly enough, after I spent New Year's Eve at The Danger party at the New Lost City in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, a warehouse in fact turned into a fabulous party venue, on January 1st I picked up two movies, La Vita E Bella and this one, The Lost City, that I knew nothing about but looked appealing. I must say I highly recommend it. It starts out very vibrant with lots of music and the portrayal of a big wealthy family, only to end in … [Read more...]