As a sassy five year old, I remember my determination in putting red beads together, one-by-one, on a long, thin thread, for a very well thought out gift for my mother. It had been a few months since she had been away on an extended trip abroad and I missed her terribly. At the time, I was upset she hadn’t taken me with her. In reality, she was traveling to the United States for the first time, to visit her sister, which she hadn’t seen in … [Read more...]
Sharing my experiences on
As part of being featured in Skype's video "All-Skype All-Star" challenge, I was asked to share how I use Skype to not only stay in touch with friends and family, but to also share my experiences around the world. After you've witnessed a day in my life, on-the-go, as a busy travel writer based in New York City, here I am sharing in written form what Skype has meant for me, all these years away from home. For the full blog post, click on … [Read more...]
Gogobowling at the Bowlmor Lanes Times Square
Between the never-ending Snowmageddon and the brutal Polar Vortex, we've had a tough, long winter! Which is why we went bowling, to celebrate the arrival of spring (go away snow!) and inaugurate 2014 with the first Gogobot NYC event. We put the ugly snow shoes away, and got our fancy bowling shoes! We chased the winter blues by throwing some balls and scoring some points. We also realized Bowlomor Lanes in Times Square is perhaps the coolest … [Read more...]
Savoring Quebec’s best dishes at Montreal en Lumiere
“Je me souviens,” Quebecois say. Montreal’s motto, whose true meaning is somewhat of a mystery going back to the façade of the Parliament Building, translates to “I remember,” undeniably referring to Quebec’s history. In my case, I remember the lovely fall I first visited Montreal. Three years ago, I explored this charming city entirely by foot. I was fascinated by Old Montreal with its French flair, enchanting cobblestone streets, distinctive … [Read more...]
#Skypestar: Featured in Skype’s All-Skype All-Stars
Skype has been part of my life ever since I moved to New York City eight years ago. What began as a way to stay in touch with friends and family back home in Romania, evolved in a weekly and often times a daily ritual to stay connected with people around the world, whether home in NYC or on the road. I have shared some of my most treasured experiences via Skype video with my loved ones, as have they. I have shared my travels in real time, and … [Read more...]